The Government of Nepal has recognized that sound population policy formulation in the area of population and development, and the effective and efficient implementation of population policy depend on competent professional advice, research and analysis. The Government of Nepal has, therefore, worked with Tribhuvan University (TU) to establish a high quality research and training institution to serve the country's population and development program. The Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS) was established in 1988 by T.U. Council. Since 1990, CDPS has been modestly funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). It has grown and developed for the more than 30 years and has made significant contributions to the nation's population dynamics sector. The Department is also a focal point for conducting training and research activities for the government agencies, namely Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP). Besides, it has been working in collaboration with other several sectoral ministries and policy making and planning agencies. It is envisaged that CDPS will continue to grow, in line with the evolving needs for research and training in the country; and that it will emerge in due course as a major research and training center in South Asia.
The Department receives regular support from Tribhuvan University. CDPS received UNFPA assistance from 1990 till 2007 including the physical infrastructure. It has also been working as an implementing partner of UNFPA for the Seventh Country Program (2013-2017) and Eight Country Program (2018-2022) activities. CDPS also received technical assistance from Department for International Development (DFID) to support institutional linkages with the Centre for Population Studies (CPS), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. International Labour Organization (ILO), the World Bank and the British Council/DFID have been recurrent sources of funding for small and medium scale research and curriculum development. In addition, the Department receives the grants from Higher Education Project of Tribhuvan University for strengthening the virtual teaching in the context of Covid-19 pandemic.
The main objective for establishing CDPS is to increase the national capacity for training, research and policy analysis in the area of population and development. The specific objectives are: